NORDGREEN - Smart Planning for Healthy and Green Nordic Cities
How are human wellbeing and access to green spaces integrated into city planning? NORDGREEN is tackling the issue by developing and implementing smart planning and management solutions for well-designed, high-quality greenspaces that promote equity, health and wellbeing. NORDGREEN is working with existing planning projects in the following Nordic cities: Aarhus, Espoo, Ii, Stavanger, Täby and Vilhelmina. The project is funded by NordForsk.

Find out more about what is happening in the project right now.

NORDGREEN involves sets of local and regional health and greenspace data, Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS), and analysis of ongoing planning and management.

The NordGreen project will publish scientific articles, working papers and reports and you will find them here as soon as they are out.

The project consists of four academic research partners that work together with six Nordic cities.