Local Knowledge in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

The project aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience on the engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities in impact assessments in the European Arctic.

The project has a particular focus on the inclusion of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in impact assessments and on ensuring local influence in important decision‐making processes.

The main activity of the project is the organisation of a major workshop with participants from Greenland, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The workshop will be held in Nuuk in December 2019.

This project further investigates recent experiences from Greenland and how it can inform the work of other Nordic countries in relation to the development of social impact assessment frameworks.

Applicant: Anne Merrild Hansen, Aalborg University

Partners: Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden; Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland) and Aalborg University, Denmark.

Countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Greenland, Sweden

Project start and expected to be finalized in 2019.

Copyright pictures: Bodil Tingsby/norden.org