Arctic Marine Best Practice Information Forum on the IMO Polar Code

– 2nd Annual Meeting and Web-Portal

The project aims at creating a network of all those involved in or those who are potentially affected by Arctic marine operations, including ship owners and operators, Flag, Port and Coastal States, classification societies, marine insurers, financial institutions funding Arctic activity, as well as indigenous and local communities.

The main focus is to increase awareness of the Polar Code.

Leah Bower and Lauren Divine 
Helga Jónsdóttir
Jessica Nilsson
Anja Elisenberg
Charlotte Mogensen
PAME Secretariat:
Soffía Guðmundsdóttir and Hjalti Hreinsson

Applicant: Soffia Gudmundsdottir PAME Executive Secretary

Partners (see below the text)

Countries: Finland, Norway, Iceland, United States, Canada

Project start and expected to be finalized in 2018.

Copyright pictures:
Johannes Jansson/