Renewable energy project “Green Livø” in Denmark
Livø island, located in the Limfjord, Denmark, is a little isolated place that had access only to energy provided by a diesel-driven facility until 2012 when the project Green Livø - Nature’s quiet compartment was initiated. At that time, only three families lived permanently on the island.
A central aim of the project is to change the energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Several initiatives have been taken within the project to be more energy sufficient: e.g. LED-lighting has been introduced in many of the buildings on the island. That resulted in a 12% saving of electricity consumption.
In order to investigate different renewable energy solutions and their fitness for Livø, analyses and assessments have been conducted. Currently, they are e.g introducing a 25KW windmill, 33 KW sun panels and two heat-pumps. The goal is self-sufficiency in electricity production by 50%.
The project is led by the Nature Agency within the Ministry of Environment and Food with partners at Aalborg University, Department of Planning and Department of Energy Technology, COWI and “Intego”. The initiative runs until 2024, and it has received funding from “ForskEL”, “RealDania” and “Mærsk Fonden”.
Key words: windmill, wind energy, sun panels, solar energy, heat-pump, ground source, renewable energy, electricity production, Livø, Denmark