TANGO-W's insights from Alytus, Lithuania
The TANGO-W team has just returned from Alytus – a city on the beautiful Nemunas River in southern Lithuania. Two days were packed full of discussing business models and impact indicators, role playing to identify important competencies, and exchanging good practices/lessons learned during visioning processes.
Project participants have gained new perspectives on urban transformative capacities, and they’ve done so quite literally – with a visit to the tallest cycling and pedestrian bridge in the Baltics!

We gained key take-aways for practitioners seeking successful urban transformations: reiterate common goals across stakeholders, be aware of central routines for decision-making, and remain steadfast in your vision for change.

Interested in how the TANGO-W cities in Austria, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden are working with urban transformative capacities? Next steps in the project will include a webinar series this spring – stay tuned!