On this page, you will find news about project outcomes, events, meetings, and workshops.

Face-to-face meeting in Stockholm: lessons learned, the project outcomes, and inspiration from the city 

Stockholm, May 2024

The TANGO-W project brought partners from Austria, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden to Stockholm. The two-day project meeting was full of insights, lessons learned, plans for the Urban Living Labs (ULLs), and the cooperation strengthening within the project. An inspiring experience for the group was a walking tour at the Stockholm Royal Seaport. 

During the meeting, researchers and practitioners discussed urban transformative capacity importance for cities and relevant topics as well as issues in all ULLs. How the national legislations and the autonomy of the cities affect the ULLs? What are the relationships between the researchers and the city partners? What makes them work efficiet and what are the challenges?  These and other questions have been raised and discussed during the meeting.  

Read more here.

Webinar series: Urban Transformation Talks

Online, April 2024

The TANGO-W project invites urban planners, sustainability experts, and innovative thinkers to join our enlightening webinar series Urban Transformation Talks. The series features partners from diverse European cities who will share insights and advancements in driving sustainable urban development. Register for one, two, or all three webinars to engage with researchers and practitioners, and learn about new approaches to building resilient, sustainable cities.

Read more here.

Webinar #1: What is Urban Transformative Capacity and why does it matter for sustainability in your city?

-> Find the recording of the webinar here.

Doris Willhelmer, Austrian Institute of Technology
-> See her presentation slides here and here.

Maria Lennartsson, Stockholms Stad, Sweden
-> See presentation slides here.

Stefan Guggenberger, Klagenfurt Municipality, Austria
-> See presentation slides here

Webinar #2: Urban Transformative Capacity in practice: Implementing sustainability projects

-> Find the recording of the webinar here.

Anja Wingstedt, Smart Innovation Norway
-> See her presentation slides here and here.

Hilde Marie Wold, Halden Municipality, Norway
-> See her presentation slides here.

Kristiina Mustonen, Campus Roslagen, Sweden
-> See her presentation slides here.

Webinar #3: Instruments for driving change

-> Find the recording of the webinar here.

Doris Willhelmer, Austrian Institute of Technology
-> See her presentation slides here and here.

Gottfried Köberl, Weiz Municipality, Austria
-> See his presentation slides here.

Jolanta Dvarionienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
-> See her presentation slides here.

Insights from Alytus, Lithuania

Alytus, October 2023

The TANGO-W team has just returned from Alytus, and two days packed full of discussing business models and impact indicators, role playing to identify important competencies. We exchanged good practices and lessons learned during visioning processes and brought home key take-aways for successful urban transformations.

Read more here.

TANGO-W towards Vision 2050

Norrtälje, April 2023

In April, TANGO-W’s research and city partners gathered in Norrtälje, Sweden for a two-day event that included workshops, panel discussions, and planning sessions. From evaluating cities’ potential for sustainability to exploring new business pathways for commercial exploitation - the face-to-face meeting explored how the project can help increase urban transformative capacities.

Read more here.

Stian Melhus, October, 2022

On September 28-30, institutional representatives from Austria, Sweden, Norway, and Lithuania met in Norway, Marker and Halden municipalities. In a productive couple of days, we have looked at the strengths and needs of each of the demo-sites. We have investigated how the demo-site leaders can create and implement visions for the future on a local level. External experts involved us in their own work in developing energy communities in Norway, Austria and on a holistic level for the EU. Lastly, we discussed how we could measure the impacts of the different demo-sites.

Read more here.