Face-to-face meeting in Stockholm: lessons learned, the project outcomes, and inspiration from the city
Stockholm, May 2024
The TANGO-W project brought partners from Austria, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden to Stockholm. The two-day project meeting was full of insights, lessons learned, plans for the Urban Living Labs (ULLs), and the cooperation strengthening within the project. An inspiring experience for the group was a walking tour at the Stockholm Royal Seaport.
During the meeting, researchers and practitioners discussed urban transformative capacity importance for cities and relevant topics as well as issues in all ULLs. How do the national legislations and the autonomy of the cities affect the ULLs? What are the relationships between the researchers and the city partners? What makes them work efficiently and what are the challenges? These and other questions have been raised and discussed during the meeting.
Project partners also have made some important decisions towards the final project publications and the policy recommendations. It has been agreed to publish three project reports and a policy brief at the end of the project at the beginning of 2025. All project outcomes will be available for public audience here: https://nordregioprojects.org/tango-w-outcomes/
An inspiring meeting point was a walking tour at the Stockholm Royal Seaport - the largest urban development area in Sweden. It has a goal to test and develop new solutions and processes for a more sustainable future and to become fossil fuel-free by 2030.
TANGO-W is a project that uses the concept of Urban Transformative Capacities to evaluate cities’ potential for sustainability. It aims to help cities tackle challenges associated with climate change and encourage more sustainable urban development. So the vision of the Stockholm Royal Seaport raised some relevant questions and was an inspiration for the project partners.

Photos: Nordregio