Cross-Thematic Group projects in the Nordic co-operation

Nordic co-operation
The Nordic Region, with 27 million inhabitants, is a highly innovative and competitive region, thriving on trust and rural and urban development. This foundation is ideal for making the Nordic co-operation's Vision 2030 a reality: to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. Covid-19 has made our challenges even more relevant, and our efforts will contribute to innovation, green growth, and carbon-neutral societies. By working together, we will strengthen our region, paving the way for continued strong Nordic co-operation in regional development and planning.
By emphasizing green, innovative, and resilient development in urban, rural, and regional areas, we'll achieve our strategic priorities by 2024, framed in three thematic groups: Green and Inclusive Rural Development (external link), Green, Innovative and Resilient Regions (external link), and Green and Inclusive Urban Development (external link).
These thematic groups aim to share knowledge and experience over a four-year period and develop projects to create added Nordic value. The groups include representatives and regional policy stakeholders from Nordic countries, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland.
However - some projects span over more than one of these themes, making them cross-thematic. On this site, we highlight these projects.
Cross-thematic research
The two larger research projects that are spanning over the thematic groups are:

The Nordic regional leadership project examines how institutional and stakeholder collaborations drive economic growth and development at the regional and local levels, while meeting the social needs of citizens.

Remote work and multilocality post-pandemic investigate effects on Nordic people, places, and planning, after covid-19.