
Calendar of events and activities – Sustainable Living


14: Launch: Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating, Stockholm and online


28: Webinar and report launch: Where are the boys in climate action?


27-28: Nordic-Baltic Youth Summit, Vilnius


15: Sustainable Living Summit: How to act for change, Kulturhuset Stockholm and online

Previous events 2023:


1: Presentation of Norden and Agenda 2030, Global Goals Week in CPH


16: ESDN European Sustainable Development Network Conference in Sthlm about Agenda 2030

17: Sustainable Living Steering group and project managers meeting at Nordregio

29: Nordic Food Environment cross-sectorial workshop at Nordregio

29:  Culture project roundtable


21-22: Ungdommens Folkemøde Nord in CPH – Youth for Sustainable living project

25-26: Nordic Food Waste Summit in Sthlm with the Food Systems project

26: Webinar: Empowering Youth to meet Agenda 2030 goals in Nordic municipalities

26: Culture project roundtable

27: Seminar on Gender and sustainable living: Ålands landskapsregering Mariehamn (NIKK)


3: Meeting of Nordic Ministers of Education and the Chairs of the National Teachers’ Associations in the countries. The meeting was hosted by the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers and the project Education for Sustainable Living.

24: Swan Ecolabel i Norge har et seminar om regelverk fra EU om grønne påstander og grønnvasking, data fra forbrukerundersøkelsen vår og deler ut “Svaneprisen”. I tillegg vil vi presentere kommunikasjonskampanjen. Delta gjerne på nett om ønskelig:

25: Swan Ecolabel i Norge har et seminar om skjerpede krav til nybygg. Arbeidet med de nye kriteriene for nybygg (tilskuddet av kontorbygg) er takket være sustainable living programmet.

29: Swan Ecolabel campaign goes live in all Nordic countries (TV, news media, social media)


15-17: Folkemødet Bornholm: Swan Ecolabel & Food Project

16: Culture project conference about Green Road Map in Malmö

20-21: Launch of the new Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR), Iceland

27-28: Nordic tent in Almedalen, Sweden: Food project & Swan Ecolabel

27-30: Suomi Areena, Finland, Swan Ecolabel


14-18: Arendalsuka in Norway (Svanen and Food project)

11-15: ReGeneration Week with Youth for Sustainable Living partners, Åland


Launch of the Green Roadmap/Grønt vejkort for cultural events, Verdensmålsuge no 2, 2023 in Copenhagen


17: Nordregio Forum: Youth engagement and sustainable living, panel discussion, Iceland

27: Youth Empowerment in Climate Action, conference in Copenhagen.

30 Oct – 2 Nov. Nordic Council Session – Oslo


Nordic Youth Month, Iceland with Samfés and the Icelandic Presidency

2-3: Nordic Education for Sustainability youth conference, Iceland. Read more here.

23: Escaping Fast Fashion – How you can act for change (hybrid) with the winner of The Nordic Council Environment Prize and Nordic Swan Ecolabel at Nordens Hus Reykjavik. Read more and sign up here.

24-25: Nordic Youth Summit, Iceland


COP28 Nordic Pavilion in Dubai: Food and sustainability project