Arkhangelsk Glued Beams Plant

Arkhangelsk Glued Beam Plant is the only manufacturer in its region of ready-made wall kits, house kits made of glued and profiled beams. The enterprise is located in Arkhangelsk, has a good raw material base. In the production process, we use raw materials of the highest standards from Arkhangelsk origin, particularly pine and spruce. 

The company has its own construction division focused on the design and construction of energy-efficient houses with commissioning and technical support. We rent houses built from our timber for a thermal imager. The company's specialists have developed and implemented warm house technologies specifically for the North-West of Russia. The leading specialists of the company have scientific degrees, the status of acting teachers of the Moscow Branch of the Moscow State Technical University, including the position of a professor. 

The company exports home kits to Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Turkey and Pakistan. 
We work with private and corporate developers. 
